Pour un Déménagement sur 7 Km , d'environs 7/8 m3 ( 1 lit double et son sommier métal, 2 tables basses, 1 table de chevet, 1 desserte, 2 vélos, 1 grand carton monté sur un diable, 4/5 poches cabats, 1 transat de terrasse, ...)
I have to transport two sofas from the address
Rte de Saint-Lys, 31600 Seysses, France
to the address
All. Amelia Earhart, 31400 Toulouse, France.
The dimensions of the sofas are/
1) 190x105x82 cm and 2) 168x104x76 cm
So both of them less than < 3m3 space.
I can help on the carrying in loading and unloading, therefore only the transport vehicle and a driver would be sufficient