Offres d'emploi de désherbage à Saint-Chamond

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Découvrez nos 581 annonces de désherbage à Saint-Chamond

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Devenez Jobber

    Désherber terrasse 5x4
    1 h 30 de service
    Béligneux (01360)
    I live in Geneva and need help to restore some patches on my garden where there's weed and the grass dies. I need help to remove the weeds and break a little the ground so that I can make the soil more fertile and be able to plant later the seeds of grass that I bought.
    6 h de service
    Genève (1207)
    bonjour, deserbage (mauvaise herbe) à la main de 2 petits talus de 15 m2 chacun en fin de journée si possible dans la semaine
    1 h 30 de service
    Saint-Etienne (42100)
    1 h 30 de service
    Brignais (69530)
    2 h 30 de service
    Lyon (69009)
    Desherbage allée de garage
    1 h 30 de service
    Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure (69720)
    I live in Geneva and need help to restore the grass on my garden. I need to remove the weeds and move the ground so we can plant the seeds for new grass on the spaces where it has been burned. I do have the seeds and can buy the extra terrau but first I need help with cleaning the ground
    1 h de service
    Genève (1207)
    But en pentes
    2 h 30 de service
    Brussieu (69690)
    2 h de service
    Trèves (69420)
    La surface doit faire entre 20 et 30m2
    1 h 30 de service
    Brignais (69530)
    2 h de service
    Saint-Fons (69190)
    3 h de service
    Vienne (38200)
    3 h de service
    Vienne (38200)
    2 h de service
    Légny (69620)
    2 h de service
    Caluire-et-Cuire (69300)