Offres d'emploi de pose de luminaires à Méricourt

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Les offres d'emploi proches de Méricourt

Découvrez nos 11038 annonces de pose de luminaires à Méricourt

Envie de compléter vos revenus ou de lancer votre activité de service à domicile ?

Devenez Jobber

    3 h de service
    Paris (75016)
    Personne compétente
    1 h de service
    Châtillon (92320)
    1 h de service
    Achères (78260)
    3 h de service
    Achères (78260)
    Pose de 9 luminaires. Pas d’échelle disponible merci de ramener aussi le matériel nécessaire !
    4 h de service
    Sartrouville (78500)
    1 h de service
    Le Port-Marly (78560)
    1 h de service
    Rueil-Malmaison (92500)
    1 h de service
    Gennevilliers (92230)
    Remplacement et pose d’un abat-jour en osier au plafond d’une chambre.
    1 h de service
    Puteaux (92800)
    1 h 30 de service
    Courbevoie (92400)
    Bonjour, Je fais appelle à vous pour plusieurs taches : fixer une applique lumineuse au mur, accrocher une déco sur un mur, réparer ma poignée de porte de chambre (montee à l’envers je n’arrive pas à la remettre), et re fixer la cuvette des toilettes (idem elle ne fait que bouger malgré que j’essaye de la re serrer tout le temps). Je vous remercie !
    1 h de service
    Paris (75017)
    I don't have any tools, ladder, extra wire, brackets, etc. Lamp 1 - there is a point on the ceiling but we will have to extend a wire to be above the bed. Lamp 2 - there is no connection, we will have to externally add wire and use brackets to line the wire on the wall. There is a switchpoint close to the wall. Lamp 3 - There is no plug point, not sure how we can do this - but good to check Eventually, it may be only 2 lamps depending on logistics. Tiny help is needed with installing a small shelf and putting one screw in a chair.
    2 h de service
    Genève (1205)
    I don't have any tools, ladder, extra wire, brackets, etc. Lamp 1 - there is a point on the ceiling but we will have to extend a wire to be above the bed. Lamp 2 - there is no connection, we will have to externally add wire and use brackets to line the wire on the wall. There is a switchpoint close to the wall. Lamp 3 - There is no plug point, not sure how we can do this - but good to check Eventually, it may be only 2 lamps depending on logistics. Tiny help needed with installing a small shelf.
    2 h de service
    Genève (1205)
    I don't have any tools, ladder, extra wire, brackets, etc. Lamp 1 - there is a point on the ceiling but we will have to extend a wire to be above the bed. Lamp 2 - there is no connection, we will have to externally add wire and use brackets to line the wire on the wall. There is a switchpoint close to the wall. Lamp 3 - There is no plug point, not sure how we can do this - but good to check Eventually, it may be only 2 lamps depending on logistics. Tiny help needed with installing a small shelf.
    2 h de service
    Genève (1205)
    I don't have any tools, ladder, extra wire, brackets, etc. Lamp 1 - there is a point on the ceiling but we will have to extend a wire to be above the bed. Lamp 2 - there is no connection, we will have to externally add wire and use brackets to line the wire on the wall. There is a switchpoint close to the wall. Lamp 3 - There is no plug point, not sure how we can do this - but good to check Eventually, it may be only 2 lamps depending on logistics.
    2 h de service
    Genève (1205)