Bonjour, je recherche un animateur ou animatrice pour l’anniversaire de mon fils qui fêtera 3 ans. Il y aura environ 6 enfants mais les parents seront présents. Il faudra principalement organiser des activités pour qu’ils jouent tous ensemble. Le thème sera les dinosaures.
I hope you are well.
We are looking for a babysitter for June 1st, we are English and will be staying in Fayence to attend a wedding.
We have a baby girl of 14 months, and a son of 3…
Would you be available to come to to Fayence from 1pm until late - 1am
We would cover your travel from Nice!
Please let us know if you are interested. There will be 4 children in total so we are looking for two sifters in total!
Best regards